Friday, April 26, 2013

How did that happen?

Wow.  April already.  Really?
So much for blogging more.
Life has a way of taking over for me.  And by life, I mean my two kids and husband. 
They like, need things. 
But it has been a happy absence. 
I ran a fundraiser for my daughter's PTO, enjoyed spring break at my mom's house, my son turned 5 and we have been making plans for our 10 year anniversary this summer.
Also, I found out I have a brother.  My dad never knew about him and he found me and my sisters about 3 months ago.  It has been fun getting to know him.  It is sad he will never get to know who his father was, but my sisters and I are trying hard to make up for that.
So besides that lifetime movie of the week moment, things are simple for me here in Texas.
To which I am grateful.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

New Year, of course

Life took over.  What can I say?  I got lazy.  That is probably the truth. 
The lure of one liners and obscure references of twitter swallowed me in.  I have two kids remember. And one is a kindergartner now.  And I am a room mom.  And joined PTO!
But anyway, life is goodish.
My babies are thriving.  The husband and I will celebrate 10 years this summer.  And I completed my first 5k, which happened to be the Zombie Run For Your Lives 5k. I jumped mud hills, crossed a balance beam over freezing water, climbed a thorny hill and dodged "zombies.  And totally enjoyed my free beer at the end.  And by free, I mean the beer built into the ungodly expensive admission ticket.
So it was  a great summer.  And fall.  I went to Italy!  My first overseas experience.  But I won't give details.  No reason people should feel jealous on the first day of a new year.
Ok.  I'm gonna blog more.  Promise.  Well, maybe.
But if you really need a little of me, head over to .
The hubs and I are trying our hand at getting fit and at the same time putting our journey in writing for all to judge.