Wednesday, January 25, 2006

10,000 + 1

That is how many things I have to do by five this evening.
But instead of getting started, I just had to comment about the jingly lady in my Bodyflow class from last night, which I love btw.
The woman had on bracelets during workout. Jingly bangles.
Every time she moved her arm I heard it.
Every time she went to downward dog, I heard it.
Now I ask you, why is she wearing jewelry during workout???
Honestly people.
It's like putting on full party make-up to hang out at the local pool.
I'll never get it.


Natalia said...

Spot on...I am a minimalist for those things. No make-up, etc.

I laugh when the gym bunnies walk around thinking they look hot because no one took the time to point out to them their mascara is fricken running. Hehehe...and I won't tell them either. They should learn the lesson...and, at the very least, do invest in waterproof mascara...damn!


Lindsey said...

That would have irritated me beyond belief!

Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Times like this I'm so glad I'm a man...

Px said...

i've seen people do the make-up in the pool though (being a former lifeguard i've seen lots of things ...)

Courtney O. said...

You should've kicked her ass :) LOL - every time I hear the term "downward dog" I think of Amy - we tried really hard to do yoga at her house one time but we kept giggling at the terminology and laughing at how silly we looked in the different positions. We lasted a whole 2 minutes. Good stuff! Have a safe trip tomorrow!!! Love ya

Pheebs said...

omg! We have BodyFlow here in Canada too! I never went to that one though...BodyPump is much more aggressive and therefore gave me that work-out RAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH that I needed...