San Diego was fab.
Beautiful place.
Great Sushi.
Wine bar . . . need I say more.
And Lisa, of course!
(See pic of her and beau below, along with her pigs Annie and Irene, the vile creatures, that I had to hold while she cut their disgusting little nails off)

When I got back to work yesterday, I found my boss has hired another attorney for the firm and expanded the space we rent in the office. There is new furniture everywhere. Things are so different. I feel completely overwhelmed.
I was only gone for four days!
So I have decided to never leave town again. Can you imagine what would happen to my job if I were gone for longer . . ?
What large rodents...
I thought the first one was a bunny at first. Hope you ate and drank lots :)
I know what you mean about coming back to work after a few days off. It is strange to come back and see everything different. Plus, there is always so much work waiting for you. It's almost enough to make you swear off going on vacation ever again -- ALMOST.
Glad you had a good time! I love it out there - so laid back!!!
Props to Lisa: Chas is a hottie :)
I went on vacation last year worried that they'd give my job to the temp who was replacing me the second day I got beack I started wishing they had given the job to the temp.
Going on vacation can be so jarring, just hang in there, and don't forget to use food as a crutch if you need it!
I told you before too, your boss has a thing for you. He wanted to give you a nice surprise.
Sounds like you have a good time. Did you take lots of pictures?
I hate guinea pigs. San Diego is a fun place...but super expensive.
I'm glad to hear that their nails got trimmed...yikes those look painful.
Sorry about the spam, I didn't mean it.
I'm glad you have fun, but adding on something that large with out any notice, that's just wrong
Those look beautiful!!! I want one...I want one!
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