Sunday, May 21, 2006

Baby Time

My friend just called and said she was getting ready to go to the hospital. Contractions have started and baby is on the way.
I'm in charge of watching her 16 month old while she gives birth.
I just love seeing newborns.
I love seeing the look on mom and dad's face and the grandparents' huge smiles.
Such excitement and hope.
Plus, if the baby comes before noon tomorrow, I win the baby pool.
I've never won anything in my life!


Phil said...

I don't believe that you've NEVER won anything!

Phil said...

You've won my undying gratitude for your visits to my blog.

yrautca said...

My brother had a baby son on Friday. Both mom and son are doing fine. Talked to my sis-in-law and she was alright. In fact she was anxious to go shopping. Its their first. They are so excited.

Princess Pessimism said...

the only thing I ever won, were tickets to go see the cure. Not that i'm complaining...i was SO happy about that.

Courtney O. said...

Congrats! To both you and the new mother :)

Natalia said...


Oh...and that was for the winning the pool...I don't get excited about babies lol


Natalia said...

Oh and Phil was very cheesy... derrrr


Lindsey said...

Phil...seriously. Come on. what's happened? Did you win?