Sunday, May 01, 2011


I leave in less than 11 hours people!!!!!
If you were unsure, I am super excited about my road trip to Baltimore/Chicago.
I am super excited to spend some time with my soul sister.
As a last minute add on my Mom is meeting me in Chicago to drive back with me. Whoop!
And I am super excited to meet my first blogger in person.
Yrautca, you better not flake. :)

I am however getting a little nervous to leave my kiddos. Alan will do fine without me, I hope. But I still feel a little sad to be away from them for so long. We were away this long when we went to Vegas, but the hubs was with me. So this is different.
Anyhoo. . .
I shall be on the road and enjoying my alone time in just a few short hours!!
Pics and stories in about a week.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Have fun!!! Tell Yrautica I said hi!!