Hate them.
They do, in fact, make me a little sick.
Other people's feet that is.
I'm okay with mine.
Well, I was okay with them until my freshman year in college. My roommate pointed out to me that my feet have a strange resemblance to Barney Rubble’s feet.
That may very well be. But I think you will all agree that hubby's are just a tad more disturbing (freakishly long and skinny) than my Barney toes.

I don't like feet that much either. I liked mine until I got pregnate. After all the swelling in my feet they never looked the same after that. When I massage someone, I do not look forward to their feet, most people do not take care of their feet so they are not very clean or soft. I do like getting pedicures though. I can't stand to have icky feet.
chill out, i have weirder feet than yours...i have finger toes and i can pick things up with them...beat that!
his foot makes yours look even teenier than normal!!! You both have nice feet :) LOL
Feet TOTALLY creep me out. They are so gross. I hate how men's toes are hairy. Really, it makes me want to puke. Sometimes Hubby will rub his feet against me when we are in bed and I freak out on him. But, I am this way with all feet. I will barely even touch my own. I make Hubby cut my toenails and give me pedicures. Gross I know, but I can't stand to do it myself. I wear socks all the time to cover them up. Ick!
But, I really think your feet are quite dainty. They still creep me out, but they're not gross =)
Oh I HATE feet...no one can touch me with their feet. They make me sick. One time, a friend of mine was touching me with his feet, and I was screaming for him to get off of me, and stop touching me with his feet.
I was screaming for his roommate to come help me, and one of my friends toes went inside of my mouth when it was wide open. I started to cry... LOL
Oh lord. His feet are huge! :0) I'm wondering if that "saying" is true...if so...you're a lucky lady Berly.
I hate feet too. Don't want them on me, near me...keep them covered at all times weirdos.
Either your husband has huge feet or you have tiny little ones...
Or both.
Feet don't bother me... But I do take fastigious care of my dogs... Hold over habit from being in the airborne infantry...
Take care of your feet and they'll take care of you!
I can also pick stuff up with my toes. And I love feet...well not in a fetish way...but I love having mine massaged.
I've got no problem with feet. Mine or anyone elses as long as they're clean.
I was told that I had evolution toe by an ex. It was an attempt at a put down. He reminded me over and over how nice his feet were. Kept telling me that he had an ex whose mom told him he had beautiful feet. Now that we are no longer together I look at my feet and think about our relationship. I am much happier being with my too long toed feet!
I hate feet to..
i have also been told that i have barney robble feet.
I never have shoes on in the summer thats how i got that name.
your hubbys feet are big.
I can also pick things up with my toes.
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