Monday, January 29, 2007

Dear Mr. Booger Eater,

Do not, under any circumstances pick your nose and eat your boogers while driving down Villa Maria in the afternoon. There is absolutely no freaking reason to eat your boogers. No. Not a one. It is sick. Disgusting. And it makes me want to vomit to be completely honest. A lot.

Your fellow driver,


P.S. You are naste!


SS said...

I never got why people would eat them. I mean, not that I'm a fan of picking either. But, if you do, why put it in your mouth? How do you mistake something that comes out of your nose for food? Ick.

yrautca said...

Well they are high in amino acids and Omega 3s. the alternative is fish oil which is way more expensive.

But I agree, IT IS SICK.

Px said...

i'll happily pick, but never eat, once it's picked it's flicked or wiped into a tissue
sometimes picking is better than blowing...
but never eat