Saturday, February 18, 2006

You can never go wrong if it sparkles

This is my Valentine's Day present from hubby. Antique setting, pearls and garnet. I love it. It is much different from all my other pieces of jewelry and I think it is great.

On a different note. We were planning to go camping this weekend but we had to cancel because of the rain that may be freezing. Suck.
But I suppose that is good since I have a piece of glass stuck in my foot. I left work early yesterday to soak my heel in Epsom salt. That didn't work so much. I know have my heal covered in something that looks like poo that the pharmacist said would draw the glass out.
Here's to hoping I'm not limping still on Monday.


Drywall Mom said...

Try putting elmers glue on your heel, let it dry and then peel it off, that's how you can get small splinters out of little kids. It should work for that too.

Courtney O. said...

Hopalong Berle!!!
I hope your foot gets better.
I'm still bummed about camping...
Tell Alan he did good! Sparkles are never wrong.

Princess Pessimism said...

That ring is gorgeous!!! I love it.

One time, I stepped on a piece of glass, I got it out with some tweezers, and that was the end of it. 3 weeks later, the sopt where the glass had been was hurting like crazy, and I didnt even want to walk becuase it hurt so much. I got someone to look at my foot. There was an additional piece of glass in there that I missed...and my foot had healed up, so I had to cut my skin open to get the rest of the glass out. It hurt. I feel your pain.

yrautca said...

Ouch berly. That got to hurt. How did you get that glass in your foot in the first place?

Thats a rock. Lot of bling.

Miss Ash said...

Nice jewlery :)

As for your foot, sorry to hear, you best be putting your feet up and relaxing for the next few weeks. Preferably with a big bag of m & m's

Lindsey said...

You're husband is sooo sweet! He did a good job.

Natalia said...

Gorgeous, Berlt girl :) He has impeccable taste.


Phil said...

Hubby did well. He must be a smart man.