Paige and I started the Winsor Pilates tapes this morning. We are determined to do it at least three times this week, then we can see if they really work. So excited. I shall have "longer, leaner and stronger muscles"!!
Mari Winsor is the instructor for this video. She says things like squeeze your buttocks and engage your powerhouse. Which normally would not be entertaining, but at the early hour, I find it quite humorous.
It takes me back to when I used to do the ab videos with Tony. I used to yell obscenities at the tv and tell Tony I hated him. God, what fun.
Lisa and I did his video New Years Eve one year, before we went out of course.
The next day we had to drive to her family get together. Well, three hours in a car is bound to bring out some laughter with the two of us. I thought I was gonna die. My abs ached so much and I couldn't stop laughing at whatever she said!
As soon as we got there we both crawled into a recliner and took a much needed nap.
Where did my Tony tape go?
Those women suck anyway - I want to make a calendar of normal sized girls eating burgers to put in their homes and taunt them. We'd be saying, "Look at me - eating a real meal. You're scrawny self will never be able to do that."
Oops - I accidentally posted this comment under the wrong day - it was supposed to go under Calendar Jealousy - so I posted another comment there, also :) I'm comment happy these days...Sorry about that.
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