Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Mike from downstairs

In my first year of college, to meet people and perpetuate my addiction to smoking, I hung out in the courtyard of my dorm a lot.
Met this guy named Mike.
He was okay.
He furnished Lisa and I with enough alcohol to get drunk one night, took us dancing and then talked his way into my room.
(My judgment may or may not have been impaired at that time.)
We somehow get to talking about what each of us is like.
You know, I'm the kind of girl that likes_______. Blah blah blah.
Well, when it was Mike's turn to tell me what kind of boy he was, he informed me that he was "not so deep".
I assume that was his way of telling me that I shouldn't expect to be called in the morning, or ever.
Thanks for the heads up.
Now, had he not said anything, he probably would have gotten lucky. I was very . . . well, I was something I'm not now.
But because he was so arrogant to think I would still want to have anything to do with him after his proclamation, I said goodnight.
Sorry Mike from downstairs, I am so deep.


Anonymous said...

Mike from downstairs may have simply been blowing you off or maybe telling you to contradict him. either way, yeah, keep moving.

Courtney O. said...

Wait - was this Mike the hottie RA from downstairs? In which case, you blew off Mike the hottie RA from downstairs!!! LOL - Props to you Berle

Drywall Mom said...

Just be glad he did that, I'm glad you hurt his ego a little. What an ass. I think that would have been a major turn off also to hear something like that.

Princess Pessimism said...

LOL!! Ive had guys in that same situation, where they open their mouth, say the wrong thing, and it just kills it.

SS said...

OMG, I had a Mike from downstairs too. And, yes, his name was Mike. Yes, he lives downstairs from me in my dorm. And, yes, he was not so deep.

I guess we've all been there before...

Px said...

see i've never had a mike from downstairs
i had a big gay bob at uni, he was cool, but thankfully i never had to worry about having to blow him off...in any sense of the phrase

Natalia said...

Good for you. What an ass to say that. But then again...men take a while to mature, don't they? A lot of men I would have dated then I would laugh at now. Thank god for maturing :)


Anonymous said...

I don't think mike was the hot RA. was he? I think mike was the one that lived RIGHT below you berle... and he had that roommate...what was his name...aaron? the one that i knew from class... then there was danny the booger guy, but he was on the third floor...i'm getting confused. so many random dorm guys. but hot RA guy was super hot. remember that time he came RUNNING downstairs without a shirt and he was desperate to find a condom...god that was funny!

Lindsey said...

Nothing wrong with a little shankadank...but yeah...being a prick is a great way to cool me off.

yrautca said...

hahahaha. funny girl berly. Poor Mike wasnt deep but got in deep shit when he opened his mouth.

Katie said...

guys can be so dumb about things like that? to bad for him!

The Shib said...

Mike was not hot RA Shana. Hot RA was Jake. Jake that we met at the ID scanner and opened up his backpack to find his ID and a whole bunch of condoms fell out.

Aarons roommate was some guy you studied with--Lucas I think. Mike from downstairs was just some random. A stupid random at that.

And hot RA was lame RA. I used to see him at parties and he would come talk to me if he didnt know anyone else. Dammit Jake--just because youre hot--I dont care! Go away!

Phil said...

I had to resist the temptation to make up a fake blogger Id, Mike, and start a Berly blog all about how I was still pining for you. That would have been funny. At least the thought was there.

Anonymous said...

Ohmigod phil, you should totally do that! so funny!