Thursday, November 03, 2005


Why must you take money that is not yours?
Why must you make semi-poor people have anxiety attacks by taking away their money and charging them bogus fees?
Why must you not actually deposit funds that person has given to your establishment to deposit when you say your going to, thus creating negative amounts in one's account and kicking in the overdraft protection?
Why must you be such incompentant a-holes everytime I call for information concerning MY money?
I hate my bank.
Of course, I am pretty sure I'm gonna hate any bank.

Happy HNT!


Px said...

i hate my bank too
they have sent me letters in the past saying that i didn't have the funds in my account to pay a bil and therefore they were going to charge me for it too
how rude is that
happy HNT to you to, although i think you're lacking in the N :)

DZER said...

I hate:

• Banks
• Credit card companies
• Insurance companies
• Airlines

fuck 'em all!!

Courtney O. said...

OK, I must be stupid. What's HNT? And yes, you're totally justified in hating banks! They recruite incompetent a-holes specifically to piss off the American people. Of this, I'm sure :)

Lindsey said...

My bank is actually ok. Havent' really had any problems with them thank goodness.

Courtney...HNT is half nekkid Thursday. Participants post pics of differnt parts of their body on Thursdays. PX is trying to recruit people. He suckered my sister into it. Not me...I'm staying strong!

Phil said...

I think most banks are run by a bunch of clowns.

Px said...

linny...i didn't sucker your sister into it, all i said was that if she couldn't think of anything to write then maybe she should join the ranks of the HNT
i think everyone should do it, i'd doing it twice (two blogs)

berly02 said...

I still can't get that picture out of my head.
No more talk of clowns! :)

Anonymous said...

Compass Bank...
I actually like them, and they offer free checking as well. I have never had any problems with them. They even give me FREE STUFF (hehehe...can't beat that)!

Anonymous said...

Holden says to tell you HE WUVS YOU!

Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Sounds like my bank...