Saturday, December 04, 2004

It is Saturday

I love everything there is about Christmas. Except drunk family members. But of course my favorite part is presents. Not necessarily receiving them, but I really love to give them. The search for the perfect gift is half the fun.
Recently, I have come across a problem. You see I have two sisters. There is Stephanie, who I have already found the perfect gift, and then there is Jennifer, who I may not even see at Christmas time. Do I get her a gift? I mean I just found out that she assumed my identity when she went to the hospital in October. And she stole Stephanie's debit card number and charged $26 worth of sonic food, yes I know their cheese tators are fab. What the hell costs $26 at Sonic? Was she buying for the damn neighborhood?
You see my dilemma.

There are currently thirteen presents under the tree, all for Paige's family.

1 comment:

sv4494 said...

I agree about the drunk family members...maybe...just maybe Kim, we will get lucky this year. The perfect know how I hate to shop now. I was also having that delemma about the whole Jennifer thing. What to do! Maybe we should go into one gift for her together.
Love you
Your oldest sis :)