Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Not the right time

I thought I was gonna have a baby.
And I really wanted it.
Alan seems thrilled that we won't be preparing for a little one.
But I am not.

What does that mean?


The Shib said...

I dont know what that means berle.

But timing is everything. So keep that in mind. Everything for you. Everything for Alan.

Its important that both be ready.

But I hope youre ok. I'll call you soon. Maybe we can do a girl time since Im 2000 miles closer now.

Its strange huh? How suddenly we are making such grown up decisions? Are you ready? Im not.

I can feel myself rising up---i cant do this, im not ready, im scared therefore this wont work.

I hope im wrong berle.

berly02 said...

Thank you, Lisa.
I know now is not the right time. I really thought I wasn't ready, until I knew there was a possibility.
I can't wait to see you and hang out.
Tell Wes I said hi.