Everyone does them. Everyone.
I won't believe you if you say you don't!
Hubby and I often say, out loud to each other, what our cats are saying/thinking to us or each other. Very funny stuff.
It is one of those rare times that Hubby shows his humor.
He is a really funny guy, but so quiet most of the time that no body knows that.
Shana, she's one of my ultra fabulous friends, does the voices as well. Actually, she may have started me on it.
I used to be afraid to fly.
Get pretty nervous before I would get on a plane.
One weekend in college I had to fly home to go to some stupid banquet with some stupid guy I was seeing and Shana drove me to the airport.
Very very small airport.
To calm me down, she sat with me for about an hour.
We sat looking out the windows at the tiny plane I was going to have to board.
And because Shana is such a funny ladie, she did the voices of air traffic control and the pilot talking to each other about getting ready to go.
It went something like this.
"Air traffic control, I think I am ready to go, over"
"You are a no go, red light is not blinking on the back of the plane, you are a no go. Have you pushed the on button?, over"
"On button has been activated over"
"Oh, Oh, the red light is now blinking. You are go, over"
"What does the red blinking light mean air traffic control?, over"
"Ummm . . . No time for questions Captain. You must be going now to stay on schedule, over"
It may not seem funny now. But that day it was the best.